It's long, but it's a good read.

Jan 01, 2006 03:40

*sigh* Ok so my play went fabulous, the piano guy and I never hooked up, I changed my hours at work, and school is going quite well.

We're doing Guys and Dolls and I got the lead girl, Sarah Brown. It should be amazingly fun. Chris got Skye Masterson, Sarah got Adelaide, and this kid Dylan got Nathan.

Christmas was so0o good, but I didn't really talk to as many people as I usually do to say hello. SOMEONE didn't call me like they promised, but whatever. I got pajamas, the entire series of Sex and the City on dvd, an ear piece/microphone for my celly, and I spent the holiday with both sides of my family. I tried being late to my aunt's house to see my dad so I wouldn't have to eat twice, but they waited for me so I was stuffed 'cause I felt bad saying I already ate. My cousins were adorable as usual and my aunts and uncles all still ask the same "where are you going, what are you doing" questions about school. I'm just glad that God gave me such a big family. I love my cousins the most though haha.

Christmas night Shaun, Marley and I went over Amanda's to watch Mr. and Mrs. Smith and the evening took an unexpected turn... Billy thought it would be funny if I sat on his lap while Amanda was gone so when she got back she might get a little mad. I didn't see any harm in it 'cause it was all in good humor and if she said anything I would've gone back to my seat. She did come back but didn't say a thing, and then Marley and Shaun got comfortable so I couldn't go back even though I knew Amanda was in silent fury. But after a while, I wasn't just sitting with Billy, we were cuddling. It wasn't about Amanda or anyone else at that point, we were just having a good time and chylling out. When my dad came to pick me up, I turned to leave and paused at the top of the stairs to see if anyone was saying anything about me, and then Billy was near me holding his arms out for a hug, and it turned into a SURPRISE kiss. Believe me, I was not prepared... which is the real surprise 'cause anyone who knows me would know that sort of thing doesn't surprise me. Amanda was behind us and told me to get out. I promptly left and we haven't spoken since. I saw her at The Mill and she was beyond pissed. Maybe she thinks that it's all just a game to me or something, I don't know. She's always hated me with guys, let alone her brother. I've talked to Billy and we agreed that shit happens and that something was going to happen eventually. Neither one of us are looking for a relationship right now, and whatever happens in the future happens. Billy also said that she was fine with him, but how can she and I be fine if she won't even speak to me? My opinion is there's got to be something deeper to this whole thing... she can't completely hate me just for this, because she's flipped out on me for guys before... I mean yeah it's her brother but really if you knew how our friendship worked, I just know there's got to be something more about this. She really doesn't like something about me and I'm going to find out what it is. We are NOT going to end up like Marley and Travis where we just aren't friends because it's somehow impossible. Ok this entry is long enough.
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