I'm knitting like five scarves at once right now...

Oct 12, 2005 00:03

I hate updating after midnight, 'cause now everyone will think I'm talking about Wednesday. So just a heads up, it's Tuesday night.

Saturday I hadda competition, and we did pretty good I think, considering that it was indoors. Marley had a kitty umbrella. I'll post pictures later. I hope that we can be outside next weekend just 'cause it's been raining for a solid week and it's not stopping until Friday.

Sunday I had play practice and then hung out with Travis after. His dad made us food, and we fell asleep watching E! True Hollywood Story: Britney and Kevin. But after twelve we snapped out of it and he drove me home.

Yesterday I had work and this one lady got mad at me because her bread supposedly wasn't the right price, and then this other lady got into a big conversation with me about he benefits of being a vegetarian. I love cashiering... haha. Then this kid Pat gave me a ride down to the movie theater 'cause it was raining and I hadda meet my mom after work and she was still bartending. He's so nice.

I met Shaun, Marley, Amanda and Jarrett so we could go to 711 and then back to Amanda's. I was an extreme cuddle bunny with Marley because I haven't seen too much of her lately.

Today I did homework, knitted, and then went out with Sammy for pizza and we went window shopping at the mall. It was fun. I recorded a new outgoing message on his phone in a sexy voice saying I was his secretary, omigosh so0o funny.

I'M GETTING GLASSES TOMORROW! To me, this has the excitement equal to that of getting a new purse. But apparently, according to someone glasses aren't a good thing. Well you just wait, 'cause I think I look pretty. So there.
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