Jul 26, 2003 12:23
my pfts are really low. my fev1 was .77
i did a walk around the halls to check oxygen sats and they went all the way
down to 86
.77 is barely 1 liter of air i am using to breathe
i am on oxygen full time now
and i am going in on tuesday to review what i said to my dr's partner...
i am stopping all antibiotics. i have none left except for tobra which
is what did all this damage. i am resistant to everything else
they wanted to put me on the same drugs i was on 6 weeks ago
i dont see the point ofdoing a drug that maybe gets you feeling "ok"
for 3 weeks. ( i was sick for 3 more weeks after and didnt call the dr, so that
made it 6 weeks.
my dads mom had a stroke
everyone is falling apart around here
when my cf dr got wind of my idea to stop taking antibiotics she called me
totally freaked, she even callled my psych!
so the meeting will consist of my psych who can clarify that i am of sound mind
the cf social worker, my cf dr.. and my personal care attendant.