Title: Signal Fire
Rating: PG/PG-13 For some strong language and adult themes.
Spoilers: All Seasons, All Episodes.
Status: Complete
Word Count: 49,249
Summary: Kara and Lee get one last chance to be together. Begins the moment after Daybreak II, on the hill where Kara didn’t say goodbye.
Special thanks to my sister,
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I'm just as glad that you took the time to read this. You know, you don't know me but your username is very familiar to me because at some point last year or maybe even the year before?... I somehow stumbled across your LJ (I have no idea how, I honestly don;t remember what led me there) but I saw that you wrote K/L fan fiction and this was a new concept for me since I wasn't really a part of the online BSG fandom. I distinctly remembering having this moment where for the first time I actively thought "what if Kara and Lee don't end up happyin the end?" and I remember favoriting your LJ just in case I would need to turn to fan fic after BSG was finally compleltely over and done. At some point I deleted the favorite bookmark in a misguided attempt to be optimistic about the end for K/L and I didn't remember any of this until recent months when I saw your name around on my flist.
I have in fact read your fan fic at ff.net since the end, just as I predicted ;) , and I've favorited a couple of your stories there. I love your writing, and think you're wonderfully talented so all this to say: I'm very grateful to you for your positive feedback here. It means a little more coming from a username I've always associated w/ great K/L writing. I'm really glad to hear you enjoyed it!
Thanks again ;)
I was a lot like you through the K/L journey. I always knew that it could end badly (like one or both dying) but it never occurred to me their love would be ignored or that they would spend their last moments on screen not even touching each other or acknowledging what they meant to each other. I think that's the worst part. Even if Kara had to poof away, we should've at least been given a kiss, a hug, I'll miss you, or even one of those epic hand holding moments where they hate to let go. :(
It really is!
I honestly think I remember seeing a post from you recently about your fic catching the flu or something because everyone was steering clear of it? I remember thinking how very sad and crazy that was considering the quality of your writing. I think fandom is just changing and a select few (at least in my corner of the fandom) are really rising to the top while the majority are either lurkers. long time lurkers on the fringe like myself, newcomers, or more veteran fans like yourself who for some reason I don't hear as much about as I would like. I don't know if that's just me and my flist but my flist sort of seems to be mirrored over at SASA and Beyond_Insane as well. In any case, I meant every word I said about your fic (Sleep Deprived [love it so much!] is my own personal canon)and I'm so glad I could cheer you up a little. I debated commenting everything I did up there for fear it would come off a little bizaar but now I'm glad I did.
I was a lot like you through the K/L journey. I always knew that it could end badly (like one or both dying) but it never occurred to me their love would be ignored or that they would spend their last moments on screen not even touching each other or acknowledging what they meant to each other. I think that's the worst part. Even if Kara had to poof away, we should've at least been given a kiss, a hug, I'll miss you, or even one of those epic hand holding moments where they hate to let go.
Definitely. This was the first thing I expressed over on the sciffy thread after the finale. In my heart, I think I always knew that RDM wouldn't allow K/L to have a happy ending but just like you I assumed there would be something. Some epic last moment, some physical or verbal gesture of how much they had always meant to eachother, how intrinsic one was to the other and vice versa. And while KS and JB's expressions in the final scene got us about 40% of the way there, the completely stilted dialogue and awkwardly distant stances made the other 60% pure narrative FAIL. I've seen people who say that K/L didn't need to say or do anything, that they already knew and that would have just made it harder but I selfishly just don't care. I, the viewer, needed something more; needed closure. And that is what spoiled the finale for me. I couldn't focus on anything else because I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to two characters I really cared about. It was all open ended and subject to interpretation. Just a big gaping hole. Hera was being pronounced the mother of us all and Robots were dancing to Jimi Hendix before I could even catch my breath or see through the damn tears. It felt so callous and shallow. And that is the main reason why I will always hate the finale.
(Sorry for the bitterness when I speak of the finale. I feel like I'm finally moving past it and then when I start talking about it again all the negativity comes rushing back. I suspect I will continue to be this way for a long while to come)
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