Icon Meme!

Jan 26, 2010 23:22

I'm putting off writing...to waste time on LJ...as usual! Woot.

1. Comment to this entry saying 'ICONS!' and I will pick 6 of your icons.
2. Make an entry in your own journal and talk about the icons I picked!

assigned by the wonderful-always amaliak

under the cut )

meme, random, icons

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amaliak January 27 2010, 05:33:19 UTC
*high fives*


I LOOOOOVE stock icons...mostly because I love photography.
I also love Chucks. Had them all my life. My goal to to own one in every color (though not necessarily all at once).

I really need to watch Farscape.

And yes, Dawson crying makes me smile.

*glomps you*

How have been, my dear?


mintenergy January 27 2010, 05:40:52 UTC
*returns high five*

Yay! Thank you! LJ ATE my first go around of this. There's nothing as annoying as having to write something out for the second time.

Aren't stock icons THE BEST? I fully intend to make some more for myself-especially food ones LOL But seriously, I love pretty pictures. Photography is amazing.

I have quite a few chucks but I always wear the grey ones. I'm weird.

Farscape was my first real sci-fi shipper situation. (Apart from the incomparable Han/Leia of course, LOL)

Dawson crying is dah best. That poor boy cried SO ugly. How can anyone take it seriously?

I've been okay, hon. Keeping busy. Not so involved in BSG though I still keep up with LJ when I can. How are you?


amaliak January 27 2010, 05:53:12 UTC
I have a pair of grey & black chucks I wear to death. But I just recently got black ones w/ red stitching and lining. They are PRETTY. I find good deals for them @ Marshalls because buying them @ regular stores is like $50! WTF? Remember when Chucks were like, $10?

I get the BSG thing. It just kind of...dies, doesn't it? Especially if you're not active in the fandom. It ends up becoming more about the people that you know in it, really.

I thought I saw you mention something about being layed off??????? Is that right? I hope not....
Work is keeping me BUSY. Like, super UBER busy. But it's getting better (I hope). Life in general has me frustrated for different reasons, but I think I'm just sort of in a funk or something.
*sigh* I need a vacation.

also, you need to reply to this post please.

Do you want access to exclusive photos? Haha. I can send you some of my stuff.... (if you want! no obligation)


mintenergy January 27 2010, 06:30:02 UTC
Yeah, srsly. WTF happened? I buy mine at Kohl's. They're a little cheaper there.

BSG is so dead for me. It's not even funny :/ Still love everyone I met through it though, definitely.

I won't know if I'm laid off until later the sale goes through. Let's just say the little-known energy company I work for was purchased by a company that EVERYONE knows. Lay offs are inevitable.

I feel frustrated too, bb. Like I need to DO something!! But what? YES on the vaca thing.

Are you sure about the post? I think I'm way behind...can I request an icon?

Please do! I loved the photos you posted recently, they were absolutely incredible.


amaliak January 27 2010, 06:35:46 UTC
It's never too late for you!!! Of course I'll make you an icon. Anything specific? Or can I just...pick something?

I'll send stuff your way.


mintenergy January 27 2010, 06:40:45 UTC
You're the best *squooshes*

You can pick anything you like. I've never disliked an icon you've made. And I like so many things, I'm sure I'd enjoy anything you made.

Yay for pictures!


amaliak January 27 2010, 07:19:43 UTC
mintenergy January 27 2010, 14:16:13 UTC
Oh, wow! You're really talented, you know that? Would you mind if I used any of these for fanart? I would credit of course.


amaliak January 27 2010, 14:56:48 UTC
you can absolutely use them!! I will actually be adding more to that gallery later, but I'll let you know when that's ready to go.



mintenergy January 27 2010, 15:26:54 UTC
Awesome! I'm always collecting good stock photos. You never know when you can use them for art! (I'm addicted to photoshop, it's a sickness.)


amaliak January 27 2010, 06:40:57 UTC
also, I wanted to add that it SUCKS waiting for your job to sort things out. We got bought out last year by a HUGE German company. They shut down 7 of the 9 plants here in the states. We got saved (thank God), but it was like 6 months of TORTURE not knowing and rumor flying and just a nasty atmosphere. I'm really sorry you're going through that right now. But I hope it gets better real soon.
If they don't value you for the awesome person you are, it's their loss.


mintenergy January 27 2010, 14:17:50 UTC
I really appreciate you saying this. It was really awful at first (I came in from a week of vacation and found out about the buyout first thing Monday morning) but now I'm completely at peace w/ it. Whatever happens, I will deal w/ it when the time comes, you know?


amaliak January 27 2010, 15:08:13 UTC
I know. At this point you probably just want to KNOW, one way or the other. The uncertainty is the worst part.


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