So I got bored and went looking for "BSG:The Plan" DVD sales numbers...
"The Findings" sounds official, doesn't it? too bad it's not, just some of my googletastic crackpot investigative work. Behold: So they've sold 262,273 units of "The Plan" since the release as of Nov. 8th.
So, then I went to find the article I read a while back about how many units needed to be sold to continue the franchise:
(Ok, so I admit I find this interview Loliarious and will find any excuse to quote it.)
EJO On what it will take to continue the Battlestar franchise:
"I've already been told that if it broke half a million to a million units they'd be down on their knees kissing my feet and celebrating ,and I could go ahead and make movies. If half a million to a million units or anywhere in between are sold on opening day or by the first weekend, I can guarantee them that there will more movies and DVDs made of Battlestar Galactica, which will be unprecedented in the history of this industry. It's now up to the viewer. If the family of Battlestar wants it to continue, now is the time to vote, just go out and buy the Blu ray! So say we all!"
Fun (or not so fun, depending on your viewpoint) Facts:
1. Tinkerbell and the Lost Treasure sold 2,152,795 units in the exact same amount of time.
2. Thoughts? No thoughts? Doesn't matter. I'll taking anything at this point. *has been mostly dead of boredom all day*