Aw, yay. So sweet to hear. Thank you! I actually wrote a one shot the other day. Apparently I've decided I want to write fan fic again. I think my fanficanator just got worn out for awhile and has finally recovered :)
I love your icon BTW She's ridiculously beautiful in that moment.
Oooh you're right! How could I hae forgotten? Of course all of that happened!
She goes back in time, becomes a tribal prophetess while waiting for Lee. Then they renuite (!!!), have a beautiful life together and then she goes to heaven and waits for Lee, who is right behind her because they can't be separated in any of their lives. :D
I hope you write more! :D
I love your icon BTW She's ridiculously beautiful in that moment.
AWESOME! I hope your fanficanator brings us more Pilots. :D
She is. ♥ Though it's so sad what happens after that... :(
She is. ♥ Though it's so sad what happens after that... :(
Oh, you mean the part where she goes to heaven and meets Zak and waits for Lee?
Or the part where she becomes some tribal prophetess and waits for Lee?
Or the part where she goes back in time while Lee waits for her?
LOL, I cling to my fanfic delusions so well these days!
She goes back in time, becomes a tribal prophetess while waiting for Lee. Then they renuite (!!!), have a beautiful life together and then she goes to heaven and waits for Lee, who is right behind her because they can't be separated in any of their lives. :D
I've got one (post-poof pilot fic) in the mix but it's a crossover with another fandom. (Like I can write anything other than crossovers. Pah!)
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