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gwassh0ppa July 29 2009, 02:14:34 UTC
I'm actually saving up money to buy the WHOLE series at one time. I can't wait. I'm so proud of you for looking.

I love the fact that you just want them so they can be next to each other. It's perfection. Absolute.


mintenergy July 29 2009, 13:57:22 UTC
That's awesome, you have something BSG related to look forward to then! Since season 2, I've been going out and buying each season the day it becomes available. Lame :)
The only thing I need now is the season 4 soundtrack and then I have officially given the BSG peeps the most amount of money they can squeeze out of me.

I love the fact that you love that LOL.
Just more proof that you get me, because I'm thinking most people would have just called me crazy. But I couldn't leave Lee standing there alone, it was too symbolic... :/


gwassh0ppa July 29 2009, 19:30:59 UTC
Don't even say the words alone and Lee in the same sentence. Even then, it is too close. :(

I could almost form a trail of tears at the thought. I hope they enjoy spending their DVD eternity on your shelf. I guess it's better than their possible barbaric existence on caveman africa. Sigh.

Oh I get you all right. Peas and carrots. Peeeeaaas and carrots ;)


mintenergy July 29 2009, 19:54:19 UTC

Don't even say the words alone and Lee in the same sentence.

Sorry. We should seriously ban that as shippers, don't you think?

Hah, too true. It's much nicer on my DVD shelf anyway. No saber tooth tigers, deadly insects, or mysterious plagues. Better for them to just stand there and look pretty.


gwassh0ppa July 29 2009, 19:32:07 UTC
Also... icon love. Oh B/B. Best get your act together kids.


mintenergy July 29 2009, 19:56:36 UTC
Well, thank you. Everytime I use it I think of "pie" and their hilarious discussions on the subject. "I find it too sweet." Brennan cracks me up, I LOVE her.

Also, yes. Booth, Bones-Get your act together! :D


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