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workerbee73 July 29 2009, 01:00:36 UTC
So... how was it? : /


mintenergy July 29 2009, 01:23:02 UTC
It was...Kind of hard to watch. I only watched the poof part. I kept doing this crazy half turned away, kind of but not really watching thing. But there was nothing new during the K/L ending, not even a line that I could tell, and yet the thing was "extended" so who knows what got more air time? It's probably by extra shots of the robots.


ourmutualfiend July 29 2009, 01:31:01 UTC
"It's probably by extra shots of the robots."

Gratuitous beard lingering no doubt on the epilogue.


mintenergy July 29 2009, 01:39:59 UTC
Gratuitous beard lingering no doubt on the epilogue.

OMG, I'm cracking up pretty badly here. I fast forwarded through his cameo just to be spiteful but I bet you're right.


workerbee73 July 29 2009, 01:39:27 UTC
Dude, you are so brave. I would have had my fingers over my eyes the whole time.

At least they didn't kick us in the gut anymore on the poof scene...

(still scared of the deleted scenes)


mintenergy July 29 2009, 01:43:31 UTC
I don't know how brave I am :)
I just felt like watching it, seeing how bad it was, and getting over it. I feel like I've spent enough of my life being hurt by that stupid scene- time to move on.

There wasn't any extra dialogue that I could tell, and no mention of the "on the table stuff" I'd heard rumors about so I guess that's something.

I'd already seen the deleted scenes. It was just the extra daybreak flashback ones with K/L being super cute and Kara talking to Zak about Lee being a soldier. That was all. No worries. :)


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