I'll find baby pictures. I WILL. Someone remind me. I'll never remember after this whole Yearbook Workshop weekend. Seriously, 9-6? AND THEY ONLY FEED US ONCE? Gaspu. Those're work hours. And how much could there possibly be to teach me about copy editing, that LFA is paying for me to go both days?
Note to self: figure out how to bus home from Hamber on Sunday.
I've barely started thinking about my grad write-up. I'm screwed. What're you guys putting in yours? I don't want to have lists of people to thank, because (besides the boring factor) I'd be bound to exclude someone/thing and they/it will shun me for life.
Even more worrying than the actual write-up: an appropriate quote?!?
DOOM. There is so much doom attached to this. Grad photos. I haven't even booked them yet. I don't know what to do, or even on which day it would be best to book it. No planning has gone into this at all. ><" --Also, I've no idea what to wear. +I don't own a single dress. SUGGESTIONS, PLZKTHX. *begs*
As consolation (just slightly), I DO have my "Most Likely To." But I'm still so, so screwed.