Mar 04, 2004 17:39
why is it that when u try ur hardest to succed u fail..what u want the most cant be found..why do pregnant women get cancer..why do innocent kids have to becomes adults who i cheat their way thru life with lies and deception..why is it that heart that is broken can be mended in the same way you would fix a bone nurture it..doesn’t it seem that the heart is a much more important factor of life..why is it when u seem to find the one he disappoints you..and that when u finally find something that could work ,you cant seem to get it right ,and that everything thats right is usually wrong in the end..why why why cant life ever be simple..why cant lovers find harmony..fighters find peace..cant the world spin with out trembling..cant a day go by where people don’t die..why is it the people with whom you are often closest to hurt you the most and hold the ability to throw you away as if you werent a large factor in their sorry to sound insane because this is not how i ment to come off but i guess there really is no explaining the how people think or do things..does anyone else find it funny how the way u mend a broken heart is with more love i mean does that really make any sence at all..your just fuling the fire causeing more pain more grief, and isn’t that what got the world into is current situation..I mean every year the suicide rate goes up..doesn’t anyone see a particurlar reason for that ,and maybe its cause there really is no reason to live..I mean what is everyones purpose why do we waste our lives trying to find things that make us happy when we could just die young and bitter ,and let everyone else take on out pain and fear of the world, that is constantly consuming the minds of everyone but ourselves..why is it that clearing our minds generally just causes us to think more causing more confusion in the end..i mean what does anything really ever acomplish if anything at all..everything leads to more, and nothing is ever done finished and over with i mean you cant really just end something close that chapter of your life becuse that would mean you have to forget all previous knowlage of your life ,and what came before it..then u think that mabie you shuld just stop thinking altogether and focus on the simple things take life one day at a time and see where you end up..because life with out conflict is not life at it