Feb 12, 2008 22:15

 I got the job! The deer are nice, and there are also cats, voles, and hamsters. The hugest cat I've ever seen is one of the subjects-Chester- who reads 'error' on the scale, which maxs out at 26 pounds. I can't wait to be done with job training so I can spend more time with the deer.

Last Saturday I went snowshoeing in Rocky Mtn Nat. Park with a few friends. The wind was fierce in the open, but fine in the woods. We took the Cub Lake trail. It's like hiking basically. I like x-country skiing better, but I can go more places on snow shoes, which, btw we got for free! Yay nice CO people! The man who rented the gear to us said he proposed at Cub Lake, and shortly after, two naked  Frenchmen came screaming and running out of the woods and then jumped in the lake. Good omen?   Anyways... no sign of the reported black wolf, but I did find some neat yote tracks and lots of elk. The meadows reeked of elk. I also enjoyed some good ice sliding on my stomach.

This weekend, Chris, Zack and I are headed for a weekend at Boulder. We're going to go x-country skiing and enjoy his mom's awesome cooking, which I'm looking forward to especially since dorm food is not the greatest delicacy.

Hmm.... classes are boring. So boring in fact, that my favorite of the bunch is organic chemistry. Oh bother.

I don't know what is going to happen with Chris and I. Part of me is wanting it to be done with, the other part isn't. I dunno. He's been really nice.
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