Of Emoticons, Cupcakes, & Eiffel Towers

Nov 04, 2012 12:16

Title: Of Emoticons, Cupcakes, & Eiffel Towers
Author: mint_whispers
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Pairing: Yunjae, Yoosu, OT5
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Jaejoong is away on a french exchange trip, and he starts an instant messaging conversation with all five of them telling them about his adventures...


Jijis-pimp has started the conversation.

jijis-pimp: Hai guys!!! ^^ I miss you so much!  I wish you did the exchange trip too, it’s absolutely amazing here in Paris. Lol all the white people are totally judging me cuz I’m this overeager FOB that takes pictures of absolutely everything but lol whatevs. <3 :)

foodgod: I’d say that I miss you too, but that heart at the end just made me gag.

Jijis-pimp: aww Minnie, you don’t even miss my cooking?

foodgod: Previous statement retracted. I miss you so very much.

Jijis-pimp: :DD

:  Ooh btw Minnie, I bought this French recipe book! You can be my little taste tester~

Foodgod: Hyung you’re the best. :D

Su-sings has signed in

Su-sings: Daww Jaejoong I miss you too!
jijis-pimp: Su!

Su-sings: Hehe. See any cool stuff in Paris?

jijis-pimp: Omg yes, yesterday I found I present for you.

Su-sings: Yay what is it?

jijis-pimp: lol this really pretty French soccer ball.

Su-sings: kyaaaaaaaaa :D

Foodgod: Yeah, well I get to be food taster.

Jijis-pimp: Junsu’s soccer ball cost more lol

Su-sings: Jaejoong you’re the best.

Jijis-pimp: Haha I love you too

Foodgod: =_=’

Mickymouse has signed in.

Mickymouse: I love you more Su ;)

Su-sings: J <3 <3 <3

Mickymouse: Yo Jae, stop tryna steal mah man. You have Yunho.

Dancingking has signed in.

Dancingking: Aww Jae I miss you too love! /hugsyou

Foodgod: /gags

Mickymouse: Speak of the devil...

Jijis-pimp: I MISS YOU YUNNIE <3 ;A; /hugsback

Foodgod: Why am I the only single sane one?

Su-sings: aww we can help you find someone!

Dancingking: lol yeah we gotta find him some sexy large-breasted woman that can cook.

Foodgod: The only reason that I’d want a relationship right now is so that I can show you all what a healthy one looks like. You’re all far too mushy.

Jijis-pimp: You love it though.

Foodgod : Fer sure bb! <3 <3 <3 J :*

Dancingking: LOLOLOL

Mickymouse: lol Min dkm

Su-sings: Omg don’t do that ever again hahaha

Jijis-pimp: Changmin your sarcasm slays me ;A;

Mickymous: it makes me lol.

Dancingking: But seriously Min you aren’t interested in a relationship?

Su-sings: it’s not as corny as u may think :P

Foodgod: I’m not supremely against it, but I’m not looking. I’d rather wait until I’m done school though.

Mickymouse: Guys. Changmin has his videos to keep his sexual urges at bay anyway ;)

Jijis-pimp: LMAO

Foodgod: Exactly.  >:D

Dancingking: lol good to know.

Jijis-pimp: You guys shoulda came with me. /sigh. There’s so much to see!

Foodgod: Have you seen the Eiffel tower?

Jijis-pimp: ofc!  I have pictures too! http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mafcutdGly1rghipdo1_500.png

Su-sings: woah that looks cool

Mickymouse: lol your tumblr.

Dancingking: hot.

Foodgod: no Yunho just no.

Jijis-pimp: :DD

Mickymouse: okay I’m jealous, I shoulda came.

Jijis-pimp: lol that would have been so fun! Me and you in Paris... We’d party hard.

Su-sings: That sounds disastrous.

Foodgod: ...like you two need to ‘party hard’

Mickymouse: on an unrelated note, what was the homework assigned in Calc today guys?

Su-sings: uhh...

Foodgod: pg 56-60. # 1,3,5,8,11-17ab

Dancingking: I don’t even remember the lesson tbh

Foodgod: That’s because you were whining all class about how much you missed your “Boojae”

Jijis-pimp: DAWWWWW Yunho! <3

Mickymouse: lol at you Yunho, I’m glad I’m not in the same class as you guys.

Su-sings: I wish you were! L

Mickymouse: Yeah it kinda sucks...

Dancingking: So I go to the bathroom... and I come back to read that you guys totally outed me. Gee thanks.

Mickymouse: yo you had it coming.



Jijis-pimp: lol Junsu wtf

Mickymouse: he’s still on that environmentalist streak...

Foodgod: Junsu ever since you dyed your hair you’ve just gotten weirder and weirder.

Mickymouse: yeah but he looks hot.

Su-sings: /blushes.

Foodgod: ... so Yunho, what were you doing in the bathroom for so long? ;)

Mickymouse: trololol!

Dancingking: ... peeing...

Jijis-pimp: sounds sexy ;D

Su-sings: EW JAE!
foodgod: I’m sure you were :3

Dancingking: Just because you have arbitrary masturbation sessions randomly doesn’t mean we all do Changmin.

Mickymouse: Ooohh! Need some ice to go with that burn Changmin?
foodgod: The only burning going on hear is my eyes, they just can’t adjust to all of your ugly.

Jijis-pimp: you guys are too much.

Su-sings: so what’s your exchange partner like?

Jijis-pimp: Omg his name is Hangeng. He’s this French-Chinese guy and he speaks really nice French and yeah. He’s also pretty nice and his family is rich so I have the nicest place to stay at.

Dancingking: What’s he look like?

Jijis-pimp: Oh he’s tall, nice face, he looks like Heechul’s type lolol.

Mickymouse: Oooh Yunho you’ve got competition~
jijis-pimp: NO!

Foodgod: lol you sound defensive.

Mickymouse: true.

Jiijs-pimp: I’m not!

Dancingking: ;A;

Su-sings: oh shit!


Foodgod: Wow… just wow…

Mickymouse :LOLOLOL DKM

Dancingking: yay~

Su-sings: omg ew TMI

Mickymouse: Yunho this is where you proclaim your love for his flawfree soul (and tight ass) and be on your way.

Su-sings: Okay ew ew ew. I have calculus homework I should probably be doing. Bye Jae <3

Jijis-pimp: lol bye Susu!

Su-sings has signed out.

Mickymouse: Crap I gotta do it too, no Junsu wait for meeeeee!

Mickymouse has signed out.

Foodgod: Like they’re going to get any work done.

Jijis-pimp: Kekeke. And now Yunjaemin is left :D

Dancingking: I really should do my homework… I seriously can’t remember a thing.

Jijis-pimp: Why do homework when you can do me? ;)

Dancingking: Mmm good point. Yoochun was right. I really do adore that flawfree tight ass of yours.

Jijis-pimp: Mmm Tell me more ;)

Foodgod: Aish! You guys are the worst!

Foodgod has signed out.

Dancingking: lol who needed him anyways?

Jijis-pimp: True true.  My exchange partner just left the house… Wanna Skype?

Dancingking: Already logged in :)


A/N: Gah so I haven't posted in months. Thank highschool. And I wrote this ages ago, and forgot to post it. Ahem...

pairing: yunho/jaejoong, fandom: dbsk, genre: comedy, rating: pg-13, pairing: yoochun/junsu, length: oneshot

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