Nov 07, 2006 21:13
oookay...almost a week with no entries. no wonder, i'm so friggin' busy. so, here's a short summary: friday--another party, it was fun, got buzzed--had like a hundred daqueries...mmmm...daqueries...mmmmm (drools). studies all weekend till almost incomprehencible state of craziness. organic test monday--bombed that one so bad that i don't wanna think about it. it was super-hard, he really worked on getting everyone failed. i'm sure i really did horribly on it. and i'm also sure that about 60% of class will fail. at least. and i'm quite serious about this. today--genetics midterm--hadn't studies until 2 hrs beforehand--was too busy with other stuff. but i think i did okay on it anyways, maybe hoping for something in high-80's-low-90's. the day after tomorrow--ANAGI test--basically bio. Farid will be the toughest. but i'm sure i can handle it fine. also the same day--Spanish test. Just keep telling myself that i can handle it. what kind of a screwed up perv made up the schedule for tests--i don't know. but they are all in the same freakin week. this is not easy...siiigh
my marks are gradually decreasing, but i have to make a concious efford to keep them right where they are. bummer...whatever happens--i'll be going out this weekend....too tired, have to let some steem out. after all--must live like there's no tomorrow:P
***even the most horrible things come to an end, even though you think at the moment you think they never will...but...that too shall pass:P***
lovs the world (periodically)
PS i'm not sure it's a good ting to live in information age--there are just too many things to worry about...