
Apr 01, 2008 10:11

Sometimes, when my brain is idle (like now);

I ask myself,

"If one day, somehow, I coincidentally meet one of my favorite JRockers in a mini market or cafe, alone, what should I do?
Should I greet them politely, or should I give them a 100% privacy?"

I'd love to give them a full privacy. But, as a fan, of course I want to show some clue that I admire them.
However, if I greet them, I'm afraid they will feel uncomfortable or such (I don't know what the best phrase to say either xD).

It gives my brain a job. (´- ` )

So... perhaps, if one day, somehow, I coincidentally meet one of my favorite JRockers in a mini market or cafe, alone,
I'll just give them a smile. :)

Then I realize that meeting them like that is somehow impossible for me...

So my brain is back to idle mood~


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