Time could fly you to heaven...

Dec 05, 2007 18:38

OMG it's finally upped~~~~~~~

The PV preview @ http://www.pscompany.co.jp/kagrra,

I love Isshi's performance here. He looks comfortable with the scene, so beautifully "in line" with the tone and manner of the PV.

I love Nao's new bass. =D *aww sayang ada penampakan tak diinginkan di belakangnya*

I love Shin playing accoustic! It's always "magical". ^^
Anyway, love his black hair better though.

I love Izumi's outift! ^^

I love his...... everything. (*____*) ♥ ♥ ♥
*cries in happiness*


I don't love her. xD
(Gw mencium aroma peperangan nih.) *LOL*

The song is (thank God) japanesque-ish. This song has the same type as Utakata, I guess.
I kinda like the melody, but I think it's not Shin's koto. The PV preview doesn't show him playing his koto, so I guess there's no koto playing. Too bad.
Even so, I haven't heard the whole song, so who knows?
I hope he did play koto for at least one song in CORE. m(_ _)m

pv, kagrra

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