Well, it can't be helped. I have to say another "good bye", to the 2nd most-loved band in my TOP 5 list. They officially decided to disband.
I'm not as shock as before (when I heard about Kagrra, and DELUHI's disbandment), but this time, the impact is actually more..... "disturbing", because it's the 3rd time I heard my fave band breakup. And, like DELUHI, they first decided to be on hiatus due to Hizumi's medical treatment, but in the end they decided to disband.
I'm so sad that the main reason of their disbandment is because they don't see any improvement of Hizumi's condition. H-how bad is his condition actually...? ;__; Hizumi's voice heals my soul everytime, and also many people's souls, but in return, does he have to suffer from that illness? Does the band have to scatter their dream? ;___;
Well, again, it can't be helped. I'm glad I can support them ever since I knew them for the first time until now.
No matter what, I hope Hizumi will be cured. Doesn't matter if he wants to continue singing or not, I just want him to be healthy. I'd be thankful if somehow miracle occurs and D'espairsRay will come back in the future after Hizumi's full recovered. Until then, I'll support whatever project the four of them might do in the future.
It's painful now, but nature will return our happiness exactly in the same amount as the sorrow we've suffered.