
Feb 05, 2011 00:10

Reviews on BORN's mini album [DOGMA]. They still rawwwkk as ever, and the new songs are really interesting. I didn't review [Dogmanizm] bcoz it's only a short intro track.

[SIX DAMIAN] has awesome intro: thick bass sound, drums, wrapped up by cool guitar riffs. And then the verse sounds cool too. I really love Kifumi's bass from the beginning until the end. This song isn't that "noisy", but it has an interesting dark tune. This song flows in a rather medium-slow tempo; and I think it has uncommon yet interesting arrangement too. I mean, I almost couldn't tell which one is the chorus. xD Good start!

[RED DESIRE] is the main song with PV. I love the catchy guitar intro, and there's a techno-ish sound effect too. Small part only, but nice. This is the kind of song that will raise the tension (since it's about 'desire' anyway). It makes me bounce along. I don't know why but the end of the song (the "kimi o aishiteta" part) somehow touches me (not necessarily because of the lyric), I think it's a good closing.

[Toge Zakuro] is another dark song. Darker than [SIX DAMIAN], this is even more like a horror-type of song which sounds totally cool and mysterious. Ryoga uses various type of vocal here and it's awesome because it gives more emotions dynamically. The chorus is surprisingly like unconnected, but nice, and there's a part after the 1st chorus which reminds me of Kagrra,'s [Meguru]. I love it. This is a dark song, which gives the image of "silence", but at the same time it excites me so much. The pretty long instrumental ending is a brilliant touch. The ending just left a deep and dark impression. It's like having your own horror journey.

[Gurou], has a quite cool bass intro too, but more cheerful than [SIX DAMIAN]. The tempo is kinda changing gradually, I think it's a good variation. The chorus part sounds quite fun, I think. And I'm totally drawn by the instrumental bridge between the chorus and next verse. It sounds cool! This song can be a great song played during LIVE, with everyone shouting together in the crowd.

[Dammit!!!!!!]... just WTH with this title? xD It has a Dir en grey-ish intro though. Pretty dark and cool. But they suddenly jump into a more cheerful-sounding chorus. This song has a composition and arrangement which are rather not easy to follow, but the guitar sound effect is pretty rare in BORN songs, so it's good that they did some explorations.

[Dazzling Mob]. Now this is a song that will create a chaos during LIVE ne. This is a headbang song, probably one of the crowd-pleaser track that makes people shout and headbang a lot. But but but I love the guitar solos! They sound really twisted, different and of course cool. Even the drums at the ending can make me imagine how it will sound at LIVE.

Well, that's all. It's pretty obvious that my favorite tracks are [Toge Zakuro], though I pay a lot of attention to [Six Damian] and [Red Desire] too. I WON'T pay anymore attention to the PV though, coz the ero model is just too much for me. xDD I'm glad Ryoga didn't really chew on her knee though (yep, knee, I thought that was shoulder). He did that scene with a mannequin! How relieving. LOL. はぁー。

born, music, review

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