Today a friend of mine wrote an FB status about Kagrra, new blogs. Their old ameblogs got deleted not so long after PSC announced their demise, but apparently they made the new ones. They changed the name, the old ones were (kagrra-akiya, etc) but the new ones are "akiya-kagrra" etc (Shin used 'Sin' as his username now).
I wonder why. If PSC still allows them to be active blogging as Kagrra,, why bother deleting the previous ones before they actually demise? *mubazir gituloh*
Did the 5 members made those blogs by themselves? But Izumi hasn't wrote anything yet. And the design of their blogs are the same (except the individual banner). They look "official", like "made-by-one-company" type of artist blog (their old blogs were even more customized).
If it's still under PSC (coz technically they're now STILL under PSC afterall), once again, why did they have to delete the old ones to make the new ones with same function? Are they gonna delete these blogs once again after Kagrra, officially inactive next March? What a waste.
I don't get it. xD But I hope this is a good sign...? Or maybe not.
Or maybe they're fake? If they're fake I'm gonna kill the faker. ^^; はぁー。
edit.Jan25th : Shattered Tranquility confirmed these blogs to be official, but they will only be active for a limited period of time. =_= I'm guessting until March most probably, until their last LIVE.