♪ (music reviews)

Nov 30, 2010 12:44

Hayaku desu.
It's been a while since I'm writing music reviews.

CALENDULA REQUIEM // kanonxkanon
All three songs are impressive and so are the lyrics. Kanon wrote such beautiful and deep lyrics for [Calendula Requiem] and [The Doll House]--and she amazingly made such a weird song lyric for [Umigame Soup]! OMG is that song literally about sea turtle soup? That girl is totally out of the box. ♥

1. Calendula Requiem → First I didn't really like the song, but now I totally into it. It's a nice mixture of classical & edgy elements of music. And this song isn't easy to sing, however Kanon sings it nicely. My fave parts are the solo cello from Kanon, followed by Kanon's solo guitar. Kanon's cello, as usual, sounds haunting yet beautiful. And Kanon's guitar, it's not the very skillful type of melody but the simplicity makes it sounds edgy so I think this song has balance classicXmodern tones. The karaoke version is enjoyable as well. ^^

2. The Doll House → I really like this song! It's the cute-horror type of song, I always like that kind of song. Not only it sounds cute and haunting, but the composition is really nice too. I'm very entertained by the classic and edgy sounds that blend so well. This song builds a pretty solid image of the song theme. I can't really hear Kanon's part though, but Kanon's cello solo is, again, amazing.

3. Umigame Soup → IMO this song somehow sounds mysterious. The music, instrumentally sounds classical, but once Kanon starts singing (with a very childish but mysterious voice), the notation sounds like traditional Japanese. It's like an old Japanese child song, blended with classical music. Interesting.

Byou said before: "there must be at least 1 song that you like from this album". Well, I have to say I do like more than one song. This album shows a great improvement from SCREW, both in slow tunes and heavy tunes. I think they've added a new spirit in this album and it sounds fresh. The members must have widened their musical perspective, which is good.

1. Dual Assault → A short opening tune, with thick industrial sound.

2. Setsuna No Koku → I didn't expect a slower song as an opening full-track. From this song at least I can feel SCREW's improvement when doing slow song. At first this track sounds monotone, but it's actually flowing nicely after two or three times listening.

3. Duality → Better than I expected before. The intro is cool and I really love the first 54 seconds of the song. The chorus is easy to remember/sing along. First the arrangement sounds a bit weird to me, but in the end I just agree with the whole song. It's interesting in 'SCREW way'. That's why I ended up liking this song (typical me versus SCREW songs; first it sounds weird to me, but then I like it, lol).

4. Cursed Hurricane - REVIEWED over here

5. Femme Fatale → This song is cool! I like the fact that this song has some electro/techno sound effects, thus this song sounds even richer and... industrial? Reminds me of [Dainsleif] and [Barbed Wire] from their last singles. Anyway, I like the composition of this song, and Jin-chan's solo drum is such a great surprise in the middle of those sound effects. This is the type of song I'm easily attracted to, so it's definitely one of my favorites.

6. False Dawn → A slower song again. It's somehow pretty touching. I like this one is better than [Setsuna No Koku], but I just don't really like the ending. IMO, the guitar composition sounds nicer in this song, while [Setsuna No Koku] has better bass-line (but again, it's based on personal taste).

7. Lower World → Pertama denger intronya, langsung kepikir: "Ini SCREW apa Vierra??" xD This is the ballad of the album. The piano in the intro sounds really beautiful, the whole harmony sounds nice. Well, I gotta say they've made nice slow songs recently, way better than they created last year. The solo part sounds pretty nice, with Rui's slow bass-line as an opening, followed by soothing guitar solo.

8. Ancient Rain → This is the first slow song from SCREW that I like. I used to think SCREW is all about heavy songs, but once they released this single, although it's unexpected, but it sounds good and I really like it. Manabu's guitar captured me emotionally since the intro, and the whole composition itself sounds beautiful.
(Reminds me I haven't reviewed the wholes [Ancient Rain] single, which has a nice slow tune [Sono Koe Ga Kikoenakunatta Ano Ko Ga Mou Shienakunatta], I like it.)

9. Inferiority Complex → I don't really like the beginning & chorus of the song, because Byou's voice sounds a bit weird to me. But there are some good parts too, especially with the heavy guitar sounds. The guitar melody at the ending sounds nice too.

10. M.R.T. → And here we go, another heavy tune. I like it! Since the beginning I've been attracted by Rui's thick bass line. Byou has pulled some new style of vocal off--some kind of panting or whispering sound. Together with the whole composition, they make it into an interesting song.

11. Jail Breaker → Yay, another heavy track! The intro sounds inviting, makes me attracted to the song even since the beginning. Both Kazuki and Manabu inserted interesting guitar melodies in this song. Nice guitar combination! Everything just feels so right. There's also a tempo-changing in the middle of the song and it's kinda cool.

12. Rosary → A nice piece of slow tune after 2 heavy tracks in a row. The intro is nice with a sad melody, and then the first verse part also sounds nice. The chorus is somehow not that 'satisfying'; this is the kind of song where the music part is more interesting than the vocal part (only in my opinion) but overall this ong is nice and touching.

13. As Cold As Marble → The same type of song as [Cursed Hurricane], although there are some heavier guitar parts in this song. Not a very catchy song at first, but the bridge part sounds softer thus is easier to take in. Almost sounds popish, but it's somehow a nice closing track. After all, this album is about 'duality', isn't it. ;)


And lastly I just wanna say, [DUALITY] is SCREW's album that I enjoy the most. I'm happy with their improvement.
That's all for now. はぁー。♪

kanonxkanon, screw, music, review

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