When I looked back at lynch.-Yusuke-san's blog, I found this old entry on March:
http://ameblo.jp/lynch-yusuke/entry-10485710575.htmlSo I decided to translate it since I found it quite nostalgic to me too~
2010-03-19 13:36:46
Marukawa gum
It's been a while since I ate them
As expected, sweet
I used to love [the] grape [one]
The last day of recording
Today I'll do my best too!
I miss that gum too! xDD One of my fave gums when I was a kid... I loved strawberry and grape flavors. :3 Cute Yusuke-san. <3 Btw under the 'pikka-n' word there should be a picture of sunshine... so perhaps 'pikka-n' is abbreviated from pika pika (shining)? Just guessing though... xD;