Aug 07, 2010 00:21

Now, reviews on D'espairsRay's new album [MONSTERS]! This is an awesome album, really. There are 10 tracks in total (including 2 previous singles) with 8 new songs. All of them are interesting songs, I really can't decide which one is my favorite. Maybe give me a week or so, then I can find which song is the most outstanding. LOL, is that even necessary?

Also, I really love Zero-kun's statement in SHOXX interview. He said that an album doesn't need a lot of tracks to be better. Damn right you are, Mister. A full-length album commonly has 12 tracks; but with only 10 songs, [MONSTERS] has been proven to be a splendid album.
Right, Zero-kun? ;)

I love the techno part during the intro, also the guitar rhythm. This song rocks and sounds fun because I can dance to it. The intro makes me wanna dance, jump... or at least move my shoulder, head... everything! ♪ That's why this is a good opening track. It's heavy but enjoyable. It's not hard to love this song.

Welcome to Death Point! This song is naturally awesome, easy to love; no wonder it was decided to be the title song. Hizumi put some interesting vocals and added a 'mischievous' ambient to this song. Zero's bass is noticeable too. This song delivers a complete D'espairsRay. I can cleary 'catch' Hizumi, Karyu, Zero and Tsukasa through the sound (although in the PV I can hardly see Zero ;o;).

This song has a--how to put it into word? Mysterious--yes, kinda mysterious feeling in it. Horror? Yes, perhaps it's the word. It's kinda dark and cool at the same time. There's not much cymbals sounds in here--with mostly snares and a little touch of industrial sound effect--this is a perfect "march to the death" song. Quite a thriller, actually. I love this song. But it's short!

It's unquestionably catchy. No one can listen to this song without moving their bodies. I, myself, never fail to dance shamelessly everytime this song plays. Yep, this is a "heartbroken-dance" song. It's funny how you can dance so excitedly while the lyric actually makes you down! *laugh* I get a "just dance and forget, love sucks" spirit from this song and I totally approve. *laugh*

At first, I noticed that this song sounds 'different' from the usual D'espa. But this is a catchy song, I can get the 'parade' feel easily. A lot of interesting parts in this song (I can't help but to notice them). It's quite a thriller song too, only more aggressive than [13-THIRTEEN-] and a bit 'fun' (of course because it's a 'parade' song). The portion of the sound effects is perfect; not much but effective. This song reminds me of a western monster movie.

The first verse of this song is kinda interesting and easy to follow. It has a flowing, cool feeling. Feels so western too, actually. But everything suits to each other. During chorus, somehow it reminds me of D'espa old sound too. So it's like listening to something new and familiar at the same time. And I love the 'India' instrument sound! A very nice element! Hizumi's voice makes it even better.

The intro is cool. Yes I think it's Karyu's guitar melody. Hmm, this song gives a dark and kinda sad feeling from the start. Ah, how to say this? The tune makes you really feel like 'falling'. Well in my opinion, this is how D'espairsRay conveys the feeling of despair through music. It's quite easy to be caught in this song's "world". During guitar melody part, the guitar sound is very much bold and 'surrounding'.

A song by Tsukasa, which (naturally) sounds different from other songs (which are mostly) composed by Karyu. I love Tsukasa but at first, I didn't get much impression from this song. But I love Karyu's guitar composition here. Because of that, I ended up singing along (yep, I sing the guitar part). xD Even though this song gave me less impression, I still think it's a cool song. And it's true that this song makes me feel like running (progress! LOL).

Yay, their 10th anniversary single! I've been listening to this song for a quite some time since it was first released. Although it's not my most favorite, but this song always raises my spirit and makes me sing along. Especially while watching the live performance video. I guess it means: this song is quite catchy and easy listening.

Another Tsukasa's song. When I listened to this song for the first time, I almost disliked this song. But the more I listened to it, it grew on me. Then the next thing I knew: I was humming the tune of this song. *lol* This song is the slowest track, I think it will make a good ballad during LIVE.

DONE~! I had a good time listening and reviewing this album! \(^o^)/♪
I've been following D'espa for a couple years now; I'm happy and satisfied because they almost never fail me. ☆ After 10 years, they never stop exploring new sounds, being awesome dorks and create great music for their fans. And Hizumi's vocal is still amazing. Yes, he's definitely still on my top list of favorite vocalists.

Oh, for anyone who happens to read this: please note that this review is based on my personal thinking only, as a fan. Sorry if there're a lot of mistakes or confusing statements! *laugh*

hayaku deshita.

d'espa, music, review

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