bloody wishes.

Dec 23, 2008 21:06

Good morning/afternoon/evening!
Christmas is coming, this year is about to end...
Isn't it a bit scary that time flows really fast??
However, deep inside I do want this year to end soon.

I hope new year will be the new beginning of a new life!

Anyway. I'm in the middle of working (but I'm sneaking into LJ while collecting data from e-mail, hehe). It's a non-profit project from a friend. I won't be paid for this, but it will be a pretty good portfolio so it's good enough to me.

It's a bit weird that I'm busy doing this work during Christmas holidays...
...but well, I am. ('_')


Ah, this is unrelated. x)
Just curious about my blood type so I searched about it long time ago and got these.
Type A:
While outwardly calm, they have such high standards (perfectionists) that they tend to be balls of nerves on the inside. Type A's are the most artistic of the blood groups. They can be shy, are conscientious, trustworthy, and sensitive.
Type-A people are farmers. They are shy, introverted perfectionists. They are considerate to others and cannot tell a lie easily. They are loyal to friends and coworkers. They can be secretive, though, and don't often share their feelings. They don't hold their liquor well.

☆ 8-1-25-1-11-21 ☆

random, christmas, life

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