Happy New Year, LJ. I am celebrating by drinking Mountain Dew out of a fancy glass and soothing my roommate's cat as he hides under the bed.
In 2011, Inny...
*Passed her bloody thesis. (Erm, with some fixes to the English-Dutch version)
*Went on internship to a tiny town with delicious water
*Stayed at a B&B with a cute doggy.
*Did not get her driver license
*Failed her driving exam in a pretty spectacular, Dukes-of-Hazard way.
*Did not cook more lasagna, because it makes her violently ill
*Graduated from the VA
*Because a Bachelor in Intercultural Communication and Translation
*Got a job as a subtitler
*Got to watch TV for a living
*Moved to back to Maastricht, right after selling her furniture and moving back home
*Moved in with a friend and her awesome cat
*Learnt that being an adult is pretty awesome, but also takes a lot of time
In 2012, Inny...
*Will hopefully keep her job and get a contract for a year
*Wants to move into her own place
*Will then get her own fridge, freezer and washing machine!
*Will adopt a cat and give it an awesome name
*Wants to try to read more paper books
*Will get her bloody license
*Will drive to IKEA when she has her license
*Is prepared for various apocalypses the end of the world may bring