Feb 27, 2011 16:29
The last three weeks I have been telling myself: I should really update my LJ. So: LJ update! I am alive, I am well and my life is pretty damn awesome, just busy.
I started my internship at a translation bureau. The place is amazing, the people working there are smart, funny and all want to help me learn. It's kind of hilarious to see how different a Real Live Translation Bureau is from the 'this is how it goes in the real world' lessons we have in class. Really important stuff, like how you translate, the kind of software used, being paid by word or by the hour... but also weird stuff like 'wtf, you get a message therapist every month?'.
The place is in a tiny town in Holland. I live at a B&B there during the week. The place is nice, there are big rooms with a flatscreen TV in them, a shower that a) does not have a button you have to press every 30 seconds and b) a constant stream of hot water. The owner of the B&B comes to pick me up at the train station every Sunday evening (so I don't have to walk the 30-40 minutes). Also, she owns an adorable dog who, when he saw me at the window, came to sit there with his toy until I came out to play with him.
The downsides are the lack of decent kitchen appliances and the weekends. There is no stove, just a microwave oven. I'm not allowed to stay weekends, because the B&B lady has Real Guests staying over during weekends. (I pay a fixed price no matter which room I'm in, so if the super-luxurious room is free for the week, I get that one.) I can't leave stuff in the fridge for the weekend, so cooking is a bit of a challenge.
I'm also starting to understand the advice of 'marry a rich dude with a nice car' one of the speakers at the VA told us in first year. Having a job is exhausting! By the time I'm home and have showered, cooked, cleaned and packed my lunch for the next day, I have like, two hours of spare time. On the other hand, I have never felt more productive in my life. And I don't have any homework, besides sorting my internship report and all the paperwork. It's pretty awesome. I could get used to that.
So that's basically a re-cap of the last month. B&Bs, awesome internship and OMG I GOT TO PLAY WITH A DOGGY.
intern inny