Title: Without Wings
Genre: ??
Rating: G
Author: minsu_chan07
Warning(s): Grammar.Abstract.Illogical :P.
Disclaimer(s): None of the characters is mine.The plot is mine, though.
Summary: L'Arc~en~Ciel
A/N: Bad summary I know hahahahah,my creativity has gone somewhere lately -_-". It's L'Arc~en~Ciel fanfic.
It was a cold night on February 1991 when you met hyde.
He was a guitarist of an indie band back then,but you thought he had such beautiful voice.
You convinced him to join your band,which he refused.
But after a lot of efforts,you succeed to convince him.
You told your two other friends,Hiro and Pero,that you had found a vocalist for your band.
The four of you then chose a name for your band.
Several weird and unique names appeared,but you decided L'Arc~en~Ciel would be a good name.
The rest agreed,so the four of you became the members of ("Soon-to-be famous band," hyde said) L'Arc~en~Ciel.
Four months after that Hiro quit.
Pero followed him after six months.
But then you got Ken and Sakura as their 'replacements'.
You were so sure that you'd remain like that.
But in 1997 Sakura also left.
A guy named Yukihiro came as his replacement.
You were sad.
Will hyde leave me,too?,you thought.
You and hyde were the only ones to stay from the very beginning.
But then he held your hand tightly,convince you that he'd never leave.
It's funny,you thought.
Six years before you convince a total stranger to join your dream,and then,six years later,that total stranger was the only one to convince you to keep on that dream.
Years later you remain the same.
It's always tetsu-hyde-ken-yukihiro.
The four of you have become an ark in the sky.
Only,without wings.