steampunk ball tonight. nuala bailed (on her free ticket), shelby & her bf kyle were about an hour late. i waited outside for most of that; some people thought i was the welcome committee, i fielded questions from random passersby & a tourist took my photo.
ahhh anxiety . . . so close and yet so far. a million thanks to the kind people that approached & initiated convos, and a trillion sorrys I did not/could not/would not 'join the dance' and engage properly. esp. sorry i did not chat to the cute fellow with the axe prop. hmmmmmm . . . damn.
so much pretty. much corsetry & top hats. oh yes. very nice. i love how much effort 99% of people put into their outfits, and felt a tad lazy in comparison. although i can't resist choosing practicality over venetian blind wings/enormous hoop skirts. i just can't help thinking 'how are you going to go to the bathroom?'.
from the last fellow that chatted to me (toby) i found out this may be the last event! apparently they need new/young enthusiastic blood on the organising committee. but i have just stated pt uni as well as the yous'h (in theory, although in practice i've done zilch). how many hours in a day? oh yeah, not enough. doh.
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