(no subject)

May 18, 2012 10:37

I have been an English teacher for more than six months now, which makes it the job I held down the longest in my life. My contract will be over soon, though, because, ya' know, summer vacation and the kids are going away.

I have absolutely no idea whether I will be re-hired. On the one hand, this is my first year and they know it and they do value the fact that I now know all the procedures at the school. On the other, I have made so many mistakes during my stay at that place. The mistakes include little things, like kind of messing up the grades before submitting them and having to recalculate them a minute before, but there are also big ones, like getting into an argument with a pupil's parent about whether or not I lost her daughter's homework.

All I have to say about teaching English is:
  • it's good work if you can get it
  • some people you just can't teach, because they're here against their will
  • misdirection and distraction are your greatest allies
  • screaming needs to be used in moderation or you will lose your voice

update what update, on the ongoing

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