Eden ends

Sep 05, 2010 14:14

I am now officially an otaku - I have completed one manga series, which is now currently sitting on my shelf. I purchased the final, 18th, volume of Hiroki Endo's Eden on Friday, for PLN 22,90 (volume 1 cost me only 16,00, but I got it at a reduced price).

Things have been really all fin-de-siecle with me lately, seeing as I am finishing college, moving to Spain and whatnot. But Eden goes way earlier than my relationship with Anna, my studies and this blog.

I first read Eden in my first year of high school, at a convention. Shortly thereafter, I started purchasing all volumes regularly. For eight years.

I have been reading and buying this thing for 8 years straight. In that time I have lived in six different houses, travelled to more than ten countries, voted for president twice, voted for parliament once, received a BA, started a relationship, became an uncle four times over and I collected only ONE manga.

That's some heavy shit for me.

The whole thing deserves a much longer review, analysis and write up than I can currently provide. But to anybody who's reading this: I've read Hiroki Endo's "Eden" back to back. I recommend it. It's well worth the money. It's violent, deep and sweet. It truly is it's own "endless world".

permanganates, reviews

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