*wipes dust of journal*
I was never really into Pullips before this, as I didn't like their face mold. Anyone who has known me long enough would know that I've always wanted a BJD but never got enough to own one. Not after setting my eyes on Pullip Eos!
She arrived on Friday (I waited anxiously for her arrival, kept tracking the parcel LOL) and immediately I had a spontaneous meetup that night at OldTown with Alex, my close buddies Siew and Wilson, and
blackeyebags Joey (whom I MUST call because she got me into my love for bjds!)
Here are some photos!
Here she is in the box!
Look at that proud face she has!
*scouts the area with her monocle*
Athena : "You there kind sir, mind telling me where I've landed? I don't seem to remember much of my journey before this"
She was definitely a feisty one, didn't take 'don't knows' for an answer and kept demanding to know where she was :P
Full body and closeup <3
Another full body shot
Also Vacell and Tsutomu came along! OMG I'VE NOT SEEN YOU TWO IN A VERY LONG TIME TwT
Vacell trying to look hot in the monocle is still hot,and Tsutomu has such a cute faceover now! Thai faceup artists +1
Thank you so much for attending! >w< Hope to do a photoshoot for her soon <3