Koi Ha Sensou by Supercell

May 03, 2008 02:48

Vocaloid is like a new drug, once you start listening to them you get addicted! x333
This song particularly is making me reloop the song on niconico douga like 20x

Song's called 'Koi ha Sensou' by Supercell
Does anyone have this song on mp3??? *O* I'd really appreciate it if anyone has it~~

Not to mention the art by Shirow Miwa is AWESOME BEYOND WORDS *O*
Don't believe he drew it? See his sketches here!

Here's a KaitoxMiku version and a Meiko version!
Some parts of the KaitoxMiku one doesn't sync with each other properly, so I have to say I prefer Miku's solo and Meiko's. The art for Kaito is alright though! >w< Not to mention that Meiko pronounces her words clearly :333 And she looks supeeer hot!
Gwrarrr why isn't there a Rin/Len take on this songgggg!!! TAT

Thanks to
ultra_butterfly for pimpin this song and the artist!

Again, if anyone has this song on mp3, please please pretty please upload it for me!!! >w< Thank youuuu!!!!

[EDIT] This emo-gundam inspired vocaloid video is just crack I tell you!8DD
Come to the dark side

vocaloid, shirow miwa

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