The Great 10-Year Dream

Apr 11, 2008 03:52

Tagged by my lovely elderg

10 year meme!
Imagine yourself in TEN years time and list down FIVE things that you have/are/have done. Then tag FIVE people with this meme and they'll have to do the same.

1. To start a business so well it provides financial stability for the rest of my life (yes I know I'm dreaming but who says dreams can't come true?), and be artistically free to create whatever I wish! (more cosplay, sewing, drawing, craft making? 8D)

2. Get married to the one I love and have kids (Twins would be nice! x3)

3. To have a place to call my own!

4. Travel! (Japan, Venice, here I come!)

5. Attending (and hopefully to participate in) international cosplay conventions x333


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