Secret CF cosplay costume progress! :D

Nov 07, 2007 05:35

I'm sorry if I'm flooding your f-list with my pictures and's a long entry ahead! m(_ _)m m(_ _)m m(_ _)m

Right now I'm not sure how many people know I'm doing this costume (aside from
elderg and those who know mrs loh XD), so I'll just leave it to you guys to guess what I'll be cosplaying until my next costume update!~ fufufufu~ XDXDXD

I'm really glad that I got around to paint the sleeves! Been swamped with so many storyboards+handling graduation video doramaz that it was sort of a blessing in disguise~ The sleeve pattern that I've drawn, scanned, printed and painstakingly cut out by blade since the beginning of my new term was left lying around until now. DDD: (Yes, i know i'm just bad with my time management >___<;;;)

Earlier in the planning for the sleeve pattern, I did contemplate on airbrushing it straight on the sleeve. I tried a test sample on computer to see if i could achieve that effect - and kinda worked out that if i did a masking for the sleeve pattern, I'd be safe. It would've cut down my time by half and saved me a hell lot of trouble.

And so I began cutting out the pattern with my crap-tastic blade (I couldnt' find my heavy duty blade at that time T___T) until my fingers went numb for 2 days. I mulled over whether to airbrush or paint by hand for many days...and then I realised airbrushing the sleeves posed a VERY BIG risk -  the paint might soak through the template+ter-spray somewhere out of the template = ruining the sleeves altogether.  And I didn't want to trouble mrs loh to sew back another sleeve @__@

And so I decided to hand-paint the pattern! I took one burn-midnight-oil night to finish the painting... 8DDD

Guess that's 'nuff talking - on with the pics!!! :DD
Please excuse my blur+lighting deficient photos because I took them at night ~

> I mixed super-cheap RM1.90 fabric paint and white pelaka paint, and then mixed it with water.  I did a test on a small obscure corner but I wasn't getting the watercolour effect I I lessened the amount of water since the fabric paint is sort of watery to begin with. Taped the sleeve to an old broken clipboard, painted for 2 hours, and here we are!

First sleeve painted, taken without flash and with flash! (omg the colour is so different in both pics *dies* DDD:)

>After painting both the sleeves, I went to cut out the top half of the template, while referring back to my picture on the comp
(Yes I went to zoom into the pic up to 200% 8D). And this time I cut it with my heavy duty blade! :DD

After another 4 hours of continuous painting+touchup, I finally finished painting them! And i realised that no matter how clean+slick I cut my template, the paint still bled a little ORZ hence the extra hours touching up... (Pls ignore messy table!)

Two close-up shots taken without flash and with flash.
LOOK AT THE MESSINESS OF MY PAINTING! You can see the white bleeding out of the pattern...but my sis said it gives it the "painterly effect"... I don't know anymore DDDx

Since I had to see mrs loh that morning, I spent the next 2 hours sewing on the pearls and continued sewing the last 10 beads in
elderg's car. XD


I went to celebrate with a 4-hour marathon of Heroes season 2 at elder's house :DDD

More pictures of our costumes - coming up in the next post! ;D


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