(no subject)

Apr 07, 2006 15:55

You know what I hate.....I hate that I am susosped to sit at work for an hour and half just so she can use the car tonight.....To bad I said no!!! Bitch! I am so sick of everything to do with that family. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Ok I feel better now........The person we asked to move in said no so now we are looking for a new roomate....

1 No smokeing in the house
2 I have two cats....they smell sometimes and they strach shit
3 If you trow a party or have friends over you will be told to clean it up
4 Erin gets her kids for the summer so you have deal with three brats for a few months.
5 Your room does not have a cloest but you can hang up your cloths in the coat cloest.

Greg still doesn't have his still out of the house or room. I told geoff to tell him he had till last night so we could trow it all away. But Greg isn't answering his phone. So he has a week to get it or it's going to be trown in bags and put in the garge. I am sick of him so much. He didn't do anything around the house of course neither did geoff or erin. I clean....But I am not cleaning up form his party their is still fucking cups in the lawn. He is mad cause my cat starched the bottom of his coat that he left sitting on a chair for two months startight. WAAAAHHH!! Not! ERGH he just annoyed the hell out of me beofre he moved so when he moved it was really bad.............BUt he is gone now so I am better way better....Will be great when his shit is gone. He took geoff's video card and hasn't returned it either.

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