(no subject)

Apr 05, 2004 02:55

I adopted a cute lil' cow fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!

I adopted a cute lil' dragon fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!

I adopted a cute lil' September birthstone fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!

ok sorry I was board cause it's geoff's first night back and he left after I passed for a bit and took off to hang with friends and didnt even leave me a note. And he still isn't home so I am all alone. When I shold be with him!! I would have gone with him if he had woken me up. Ergh him I want him home now. But he is making his friend feel better cause of shit. Oh well Can't do anything about it he isn't here. I wish I could have gone to the bar. *pouts*

Oh well this weekend was fun I still haven't gone wrym yet!! But I got Idrin's boxes open and got enough money to buy a few spells in my book and then to pay to get my book bonded to me. Thanks!! I only got dropped once and then sat there for ever cause no one wanted to waste a life spell on me cause I was only life drained. I should look that one up cause we got confused about it. I went though no magic for about three hours and then by the end of the night I had barley any left. It was scary. Anix and Carven mist walked so we got lots of mist bettals which I hate so I spent the whole time hiding behid Havk healing him cause the thing HC had didn't work on him. I had fun cause I made some in game friends. I now know I really don't like someone for sure though for awhile it was just their char. Alot of people now know in game that me and Anix are family but only one person asked if that means if I am royal too. And I just at him and said "I am not telling"!!!
OK now that I feel more comferable playing Rani I can finally get into how old she. Anix is over 1000 years ok......Rani is 22 soo ya she is really fucking young and acts like it when Anix is around cause she knows he will be there for her. Cause he feels bad for getting her parnets killed off. Also many times this month people said she was lying you know what Rani has never lied. I told someone they could inslave me if they wanted to find out. It's true. I told the truth about the fact that my friend I brought into town was a changeling. But I just didn't say out right not till they found out. I protect everyone I can I heal everyone I can and I don't hate till I have a very good reason too not just stories too. So I really hope I get Sliver it's like the one thing I am looking forward too for months. Well besides Geoff coming home. And now mabye going to go dance I forgot how much I love to dance even if I suck at it just the music and the feel of the bass in the room and being able to move and sing with it. Its better though to have lots of guys that can dance and dance with you or lots of girls. Me and jilly had the most fun dance with each other with the guys well she might have had more fun danceing with a certian guy but he is a poopy head!!!!! Boys oh my!!! I wish more people had come last time hopefully more next time!!!!! Hope to see ya all there!!!! Loves and hugs!!!


Ps I LOVE GEOFF even if he lost his engament ring!!!!
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