Curses! [02 Jun 2006|05:36am]
Favorite phrase when you have:
1. Ate food that tasted bad "Eww! Cheese!"
2. Stubbed your toe "Ow! Fuckballs!"
3. Become frustrated "Bongoschnats! Binkstugs!" All my best curses were invented by Jill or in French, "Maudite machine! F*ck Chr!st-de-merde!"
4. Broken something "Damn. Taberouette!"
5. Been cut off by another driver "F*cking BC drivers! [or Yankee!, as appropriate] Where did you get your license? A crackerjack box?"
Very old school. And if they really piss me off, "Why don't you go stick your head in a bucket of sh!t and gasp for air?" Or I borrow from my favorite Canadian poet and say, "I hope you grow five new toes on each foot and get athlete's foot between every toe!"