So my brother (the DJ- the other one is probably still in transit from Tanzania) just called me to say that Mom's had her
Angiogram this morning and they are sending her to TGH to have
Angioplasty tomorrow. I know they do this all the time but it is alarming to me when our health care system responds instantaneously. Also, completely obstructed blood vessels are serious. It remains an after-thought that women can and do get heart disease. Her father had heart disease- but that was when he was in his eighties. Usually, if I have any questions about health or medicine, I would direct them to my mother, but I don't think I need worry her with my concerns right now.
The only other close family member with heart disease is my happy-go-lucky Uncle Bob (who married my father's sister). He was flown by helicopter to Toronto General from Sault Ste. Marie, the day before I was born, to have triple by-pass surgery- and he's still going strong (and is the only member of my forgetful family who reliably remembers my birthday, since he got out of surgery and went to the maternity ward to meet his niece).