Typographic Animals & Animalistic Subway Routes

Apr 04, 2007 16:37

Bembo's Zoo combines my interest in typography, abecedaria and animals, which by the way are animated. More animated animals can be created with Typedrawing but there is a learning curve and it's under-documented.

In case the anagram subway maps weren't enough, Zoobahnplan shows that the subway maps of the world (well, mainly German cities...) are home to a veritable zoo of animals.

Not to be out-done, the London Underground has an entire site for LU animals, including three separate whales, emu, the baby rhino and penguin.

I could suggest that the TTC "U" from St George to Bloor-Yonge could be an octopus head, with four tentacles going from west from St George to Dufferin, north from St George to Eglinton West, north from Bloor-Yonge to Eglington, and east from Bloor-Yonge to say, Chester. I'd make a nice pic, but I wouldn't want a cease and desist letter from the humourless TTC.

alphabet, subway maps, typography, maps, images, animals, toronto

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