So Ginger, my ancient, evil cat, has been letting himself go lately. I finally got tired of it, and took him to the groomer. I warned them when I made the appointment that he was evil and filthy - they said, no problem. I warned them when I dropped him off that he was evil and filthy - they said, no problem.
Yeah, we're not allowed to go back there.
But he's clean (for the moment), and trimmed... and I can *not* stop laughing at him....
He looks so woeful, and put-upon, and that tuft at the end of his tail just cracks me the fuck up. Poor baby.
Eddie, my other kitty, doesn't recognize him anymore - she's been *freaked* out all day. Hissing and growling and hiding under the bed. Maybe because he's half the size he was this morning? Shouldn't she know him by smell? Silly cat.
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