Wah - I left the book I'm reading at work! This means I either have to drive 40 minutes (20 there, 20 back) to get it, or find something else. Oh well, it's not like I haven't read it a dozen times before - Mel Keegan's
Fortunes of War[1] Yes, Mel Keegan. I admit it - Fortunes of War and East Wind Blowing are two of my can-read-over-and-over-again favorites. Every time I read FoW, I start daydreaming pirate!AU's for all my other fandoms - Greg & Nick.. AS PIRATES. Xander and Graham... AS PIRATES! Tommy and Merton... AS PIRATE WEREWOLVES! Oh, c'mon, you do it too, admit it. Every fandom needs a good pirate!AU.
Plus, I just like saying "AS PIRATES!". [grin]
And further adventures in pizza - last night we added some chili powder to regular pizza sauce then topped it with shrimp, green onions, cilantro and blood oranges. Dee-lish.
1] As a webhead, whenever I find a site that responds to www.whatever.com but not whatever.com, I'm embarassed for the whole profession. OK, her site's also crap from design, usability and organizational standpoint, but still...