dance, baby, dance like the world is ending

Jun 08, 2012 13:49

I kept thinking, "did they make a mistake?"

"Maybe they meant to send this offer to someone else."

Alas, no - the offer was meant for me.  I did something they liked.  Out of all the auditions I've ever done (there have been many); this one is the one I'm most proud of.
Every now and again, I keep thinking of something I could have done differently that day, but then I realize that it doesn't matter.  I got in.  Whatever I did, they liked and want me to attend their school.
That doomed feeling still creeps in every once in a while, where I'm thinking like "am I going to get into an accident?" or is something else bad going to happen where all of this will be taken away from me?

I'm learning more and more to appreciate my life.

I am so lucky.

I used to think that I had no luck at all.  Bad or good.  Just none at all.  Yes, I would win things, but I justified that by saying that I had a 'technique' to winning radio contests. (?) What does that even mean?  I was a strange one.
I clearly took my life for granted when I was depressed.  I took a lot of things for granted.  I don't blame myself too much for it, though.  The mentally ill mind can do terrible things to your way of thinking.
Coming out of it, though changed me in so many ways.
The thing that is surprising me the most right now is how I keep changing.  How I keep learning about myself and these sudden realizations I'm having about life in general.  My life.
So many people around me have these health issues.  Some can't go to the bathroom properly, some have terrible stomach issues, diabetes, knee problems, back problems - the list goes on and on.
I always looked at myself in that 'poor me' sort of way because I'm fat and have exczema and terrible allergies.
Good Goddess, I look at myself and think of how happy and lucky I am that I don't have some debilitating disease or issue that stops me from doing the things I love to do.
Yes, I'm overweight, but I'm proactively doing something about it now, because it IS something I can do something about.
So what if I have skin issues, yeah it sucks, but 90% or more of people have them, too - same with allergies.  I can take a pill and it's fine.  So what if there are certain foods I have to avoid.  Deal with it.

I recently read Tuesdays with Morrie for my English.  This book was incredible and I'm surprised I hadn't read it before.  There are ridiculous amounts of amazing life lessons in it and I almost feel like it should be sold like The Secret or something.
It helped me realize that I'm on the right path in my life.
That my way of thinking is good; not just for me, but for others, too.
How to live your life better and how to appreciate it and just how to be happier in general.

"When you learn how to die, you learn how to live."

"Don't let go too soon, but don't hang on too long."

I've quoted this book more than any other.  I highly recommend reading it.

Speaking of my English.  I should get back to it.  I have one more unit to finish before my final test and then I send my transcript to OCAS so I can actually make sure I do get into school!

I encourage everyone to look at their own lives and realize how lucky you are.  Remember that there is always someone worse off than you and instead of focusing on the negativity in your life, think of what you can do to change it.  If you're not happy; do something about it.  YOU are the only one who controls your life.  Sure, in any form of change, there are risks, consequences, but let go of that fear; it will only hold you back.  Stop worrying about the things you CAN'T change and focus on the things you can.  Treat others the way you want to be treated and it will feed your soul.  When things go wrong, allow yourself to feel that emotion, immerse yourself in it, then let it go.  Be happy.  Be healthy.  Be aware.  Be active and involved.  Love.  Always love.  The world is a big place; don't be alone in it.

life, morrie schwartz, positivity, life lessons, tuesdays with morrie, happy

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