so much has gone on over the past week. the highlight was definetely the Adicts show. If you don't know who they are, you really should
check them out. Basically there a punk band from the UK that's been around since 1975.... with the complete original lineup! The show was in Fayetville, so Brent, Nick, Megan & I took a little road trip on Friday night over there. The first few bands were pretty good, but The Adicts were beyond amazing. I shit you not, they were by far the best band I have ever seen live. For these men to be in their late 40's & put on a show like that... well let's just say I was very impressed. Monkey (the lead singer) has so much energy, and his clothes were phenominal. His makeup was great too. There were beach balls and glitter and cards... all the factors which equal up to one amazing show. It was seriously like a great big party with awesome live music. Well, it just so happens that their merch guy Luke was the guitarist's son, & he was very cute. He took a special liking to Megan, and they flirted some. He gave us all a TON of free stuff, which is always good. He also invited us on the tour bus after the show! What an honor! A lot of drama happened that night, but I'd rather focus on the good parts. So we went on the tour bus and it started to rain. When I met Luke's father, Pete at the back of the bus, he shook my hand and said, "God, aren't you beautiful" in his sexy British accent! I was so flattered! haha. So we hung out for awhile and just talked. Later, we smoked a bowl and drank a few beers. Haha, I got high/drunk with The Adicts! It was so much fun, and a night I'll never forget. Oh yeah, & the drummer wants to bone my mom (don't ask).
my lovely bf, Brent
Megan & Nick
"Kid Dee" (the drummer) & Me!
Megan & Kid Dee
Brent, Monkey, & Me!
so yes, that was a great time. saturday brent and i went to his niece's beauty pagent, which was just as disturbing as i expected it to be. she won "best personality". Mind you, she's 8 months old and can't speak, and she won out of a catagory of girls who could actually talk. she's such a cute little baby!
This week has been pretty eventful. Sunday night I went back to Greenville and went to a party with Alisha and Jen. I saw Kacey again! She's so rad I'm very glad that I met her. Well the worst part of the night was when my window went down and wouldn't go back up. we had to drive around in the freezing cold. we tried to fix it ourselves with no luck. I actually had to put a trash bag and bright orange duck tape on my window! i called my mom and she said I would have to go back to raleigh on Monday to get it fixed. So Monday morning (yesterday) I woke up and it was POURING.... my car was soaked! I had to drive back to Raleigh with the window completely down. I must have looked like a freak. Me in my little VW Beetle with a black hoodie on, the window rolled down, pouring rain, and about 50 degrees outside! I was miserable. Did I mention that I was sick too? Ugh. So I got it fixed thankfully. Last night I was so sick... my nose wouldn't stop running. I didn't go to school today. I'm still in Raleigh. I think I'm going to go back to ECU tonight so I won't get even more behind. I've blabbed enough.