Title: Dimwitted
Characters: Luna, Morag
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Challenge: Free Week (using Snow at
Author's Note: The first line comes from a Volvo commercial that I saw as I opened up Word. Perfect timing!
“Snow is a beautiful thing,” Morag sighed as she looked out the window. “Of course, it gets a little tiring.”
Luna walked up beside her and surveyed the white expanse of the courtyard far below. “How can it get tiring? It’s always exciting and new.”
“That’s true. Each snowflake is different.”
Luna gazed back at the other girl. “No, each snowflake is exactly the same. Who told you they were different?”
“But science has told us-“
“And you believe some guys who claim to understand this thing they call science?” She shook her head. “And you all think I’m dimwitted.”