Title: The Trouble With Pictures
Word count: 100
Rating: NC17
Challenge: 54: paintings and other artwork
Characters: Rabastan/Regulus
Disclaimer: not mine
Team: snakes
AN: set in the same universe as 'The Little Drabble That Could' but not part of that series
AN: sequel to
This Wasn't Happening by
“There’s no-one else here...” Rabastan murmured against Regulus’ lips before claiming them in a passionate kiss. His hands stroked down Regulus’ body and pulled their hips together.
“There’s her.”
“She’s a picture. Who’s she going to tell?”
Almost ready to agree to anything - the sensual silk of the softly scented water as their bodies slid together - Regulus moaned.
Who was she going to tell?
Hang on!
She was a picture!
She had access to every picture in the castle!
Aghast, he glanced up at her and she winked.
“I’m not sharing you two with anyone, just promise to come back.”