Title: A Visit To Hell
Word count: 100
Rating: PG13
Challenge: 52: minorer than minor characters
Characters: Rabastan/Regulus
Disclaimer: not mine
Team: snakes
AN: This could be a kind of sequel to
Thoughts by
westwardlee or it could stand alone. Probably makes a little more sense as a sequel though.
“Look at them. Pathetic.” Rabastan leaned back in his chair, laughing at the way the remaining Death Eaters were systematically taking out the Order members and confusing the Aurors. “Wonderful the way Alecto killed Vance.” He glanced sideways at Regulus, “You had a thing for her in school didn’t you?”
Regulus grinned. “Great legs.”
“Shame she’s not coming down here then. Look...” he pointed to the screen, “There’s Amycus following Shacklebolt.”
“Didn’t you have a thing for him?”
“Didn’t we all?”
“Good point. Ouch! Bet that hurt.” Regulus laughed. “Now I wonder if Shacklebolt will be visiting us down here.”