Christmas celebrations were lovely, if a bit draining. My guests are gone - and initially I was relieved, but now I miss them terribly. Oh well, I'll see them in another week.
Got a digital camera!
And a rice cooker from the girls.
A bit of family came round and we mostly just sat about and ate chocolate and ham (not together) and chatted/slept/watched tv. Nothing exciting. Relaxing.
And then on 26 December I took the girls to Columbus, where Katie collected them, and so starts the second half of my winter holiday. Dad's work party's tomorrow evening, so that's kind of dominating everyone's time - cleaning, baking, and so forth. My fave Nino is coming! And so, too, is this fellow from down the street, at dad's invitation. (I think dad wants me to marry him, you see.)
But yes. Nino. I'm excited. There will undoubtedly be pics. (I'll put them on facebook, so don't worry.) We can sit and play at intellectualism.
Otherwise, hopefully next week I can paint, relax, finally get healthy, and exercise. That pretty much sums up my goals. Oh, and read. Currently reading City of Glass by Auster, as I read the graphic novel version for my Capstone and was very curious to see how Auster managed the same obsessive/chaotic/&c. feel in words.
Done now.
All of them are Zinga, because Willan was being anti-social and hiding in her tissue box.
Toward the end there, she decided she was done with this picture taking nonsense and wanted back in my robe.
If I'm like this with rats, just imagine me with kids. :)