Sep 07, 2004 21:33
i went to see my parents and grandma over the weekend. and it was during that time when i finally had my first triple-take experience for this haircut. it took about 6 months, but that's actually kinda early i guess. usually it doesn't happen until my hair's a bit longer.
it happens a lot. mostly noticeable in the bathrooms, since it's more one on one and personal and you can see the people better.
basically i'm in the bathroom, washing my hands (because i just had a lot of delicious garlic and ginger fried crab. yum! and i prefer the hands only experience for breaking open the shell), and an old man walks into the bathroom and sees me. then he double takes, and then looks at the urinals, and then looks at me again. finally, he manages to tear his eyes away and walk towards the urinals.
basically, when i'm washing my hands and my hair is like so and covering most of my face, they think i'm a girl and that they've walked into the wrong bathroom. the first looks are usually surprise. "holy shit, am i in the right place?" then the next look is interest. "holy shit, is she in the right place?" and the last look is realization. "holy shit, that's a guy! but i'm still not comfortable peeing in front of him..."
usually i like to play with my hair, twirl it around a finger, and be really effeminite. bat my long eyelashes, blow them a kiss, and show off my legs. just to get them real good.
i think i'm becoming more sexually homogeneous as the years go by. i still remember the first time when i talked with a male friend of mine about him getting fucked by his boyfriend (his words, not mine). i even tried to interject and relate to what he was trying to tell me. i didn't even realize that it was my first legitimate in-depth conversation about gay sex until about 3 weeks later.
i also just like getting my kicks that way (making people glance thrice, not the gay sex). for some reason, it amuses me every single time. especially when people start calling me "ma'am" and holding the door for me. sometimes, when i've had a shitty day, it makes things a bit better. when i'm in a more guyish configuration, the most i get is a "i'll make sure the door doesn't slam on you when it closes behind me," even from the girls. not true when i'm more feminine: on occasion, guys will open the door and hold it open while i go in first. so i'm living proof that you need not be a sexy female to be treated nice by some guys. so screw you paula cole, the cowboys are still around ;D