Nov 08, 2004 02:44
...ok so this is my first journal me emo...
i need to start prioritizing and getting back into things i enjoyed most; playing music, writing music and working out are just a couple things i abandoned over the past few months. it seems like work has really kicked my ass as far as time management goes but now i'm getting in the swing of things so it should only get easier from here. i have a lot of plans for the future and right now i have more determination than ever to go through with what i want. i'm starting classes again in the spring and i'm actually looking forward to it. i'm going to start my own business someday or at least work for myself...i have a feeling its going to be music related but it doesn't have to be in order for me to be happy, i just don't want to be another person working for corporate america (unless i'm CEO or in a position damn near close to it).
on another note i got a kitten not too long ago and shes cool as hell. name is alex...ill try to get pics. shes spoiled, has more toys than i do thanks to krystal. so there it first entry...
oh yea if anyone knows how to make these live journals look a little more interesting help me out!