Akanishi is back! I like how he watched cartoon KAT-TUN!
in is back and I thought he was really cute in the begining, and how he didn't know what to say because he was nervous.
Although Jin had never played the Wii and although his form was ridiculously funny, he had a strike. xD I also like Koki's face when he bowled. But they lost xD
Jin lost his button on his shirt! :o He's bringing sexy back. Right Noz...you just loooove his sexy-ness. ;D I like how they were all playing with the cars though.
>Junno's face is so cute. I love how he always looks happy though. And how his eyes get really small. Although they already are. He's just so Junno.
I have this Jin icon for temporary. Unitl I find a better one. Although I'm not sure if I can find one, I want to find one with Junno and Jin because I like them both so much. I'm glad that Jin is back, I'll probably be watching Cartoon KAT-TUN from now on.