Well I just watched the Shounen Premium with Kanjani8...
I like Ryo but I don't like his hair that much in it.
I love how it pauses and suddenly they rip off the shirts...its sooo different from Zukoke Otoko Michi. xD
I only listened to the song but I didn't thikn the performance would be like this.
This is where Ryo shines xD
I really like Ohkura's hair though. I like it when its straight and long like that...when I say it like that it doesn't sound so appealing but I liked it!
Yoko's hair is growing! I like his hair when its longer.
Right now I'm downloading the old Shounen. Usually I just download the ones that look interesting or the host is someone I really like. xD
After I get home from Nozo's house I'll probably watch it!
This week I'm going to try and get into J.J. Express more. Since my Kanjani8 craze is going down since I've watched everything with them xD
But I'm going into my Hikaru and Takaki craze right now. I like Hikaru's hair right now because he has bangs! Its not the best but its still very cute and flat xD. I like Takaki's hair brown than black. Some people are just like that. I like Yama-chan's hair brown than black for now. But I love Yamapi's hair either way.
Hikaru's hair is always black.
Ohkura looks good in his brown hair right now!
I think it depends on the person because I can keep going with every person in Johnny and divde them with blak and brown hair.
Except for Takki....
Okay I'm off to Nozochan's house.